Orquestra Voadora (Flying Orchestra) is a powerful and creative Brass & Percussion ensemble, eleven musicians with the capacity to create the spirit of Rio de Janeiro Carnaval anytime, anywhere, performing on the stage, doing a Parade in the middle of the audience, or both combined, making people feel like being in Brazil. On the wings of percussion and fanfare, the band embarks on their own compositions and great classics of music on a supersonic journey of samba, rock, pop, funk and maracatu.
"Elétrica" is Orquestra Voadora's new show, created especially for the Jazz & Blues Festival Circuit, with a new configuration of its stage performance, exploring resources such as the electric guitar and drums, which give even more weight and dynamics.
Pioneer of the new street Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, the Orquestra Voadora pilots a block of the largest scale, one of the largest in the city, having 200 brass players, 100 drummers, stilts, jugglers, and nearly 200.000 people attending.
Imagine the enchanting prospect of introducing a music workshop to the community, led by the dynamic Orquestra Voadora. This collaboration promises to be an unforgettable experience.
Rio das Ostras Jazz e Blues Festival 2023 Show da Orquestra Voadora
Orquestra Voadora - Festival MIMO 2022, Palácio de Cristal, Porto, Portugal - (Compacto)
Orquestra Voadora - Canto de Xangô / Afro Blue - Carnaval 2023
MIMO Festival . Porto . Portugal
Festival MARÉ . Santiago de Compostela . Spain
Festival 5 Elementos . Lisboa . Portugal
L'alimentation Generale . Paris . France
Maré Festival . Santiago de Compostela . Spain
Balkan Trafik Festival . Bruxelas . Belgium
Cabaret Sauvage . Paris . France
La Dynamo . Toulouse . France
Guanabara Club , Londres . UK
Hootananny Brixton , Londres . UK
Passing Clouds , Londres . UK
Marula Cafe . Barcelona . Spain
Rio de Janeiro Carnaval . Orquestra Voadora Block .200.000 people attending
Circo Voador . Rio de Janeiro
Fundição Progresso . Rio de Janeiro
Imperator . Rio de Janeiro
SESC Pompeia . São Paulo
Casa Natura . São Paulo
Studio SP . São Paulo
Estação Porto . Vitória (ES)
Clube Álvares Cabral . Vitória (ES)
Cultural Bar . Juiz de Fora (MG)
Corredor da Folia (carnaval de rua) . Juiz de Fora (MG)
Carnaval Praça Tiradentes . Ouro Preto (MG)
Festival Fuzuê . Serraria Souza Pinto . Belo Horizonte (MG)
Festa Sinestésica . Serraria Souza Pinto . Belo Horizonte (MG)
Baile Perfumado do Guaiamum Treloso . Recife (PE)
Festival Instrumental (Sesc) . Fortaleza (CE)